SAN DIEGO — The Port of San Diego’s Harbor Police Department will hold an outreach session at the port district’s headquarters, June 4, to receive public input on illegal vessel charters.
The outreach session comes more than one year after a coalition of agencies stated they would collectively address the illegal charter issue in San Diego Bay.
The Port of San Diego issued the following statement on illegal charters: “Currently, there are both legal and illegal vessel charters operating in San Diego Bay. The goal of better regulation is to protect consumers, safeguard public safety, and create a more even playing field for businesses. Vessel charters include whale-watching boats, party boats and sportfishing boats, to name a few examples.”
The public outreach session will be held from 10-11 a.m., June 4, at the Port of San Diego’s Administration Building, which is at 3165 Pacific Highway in San Diego; the session will be held in the Training Room.
Interested parties are encouraged to attend. Contact the port district at 619-686-6200 for questions or comments.
Extended coverage of the outreach session will be available in the June 1-13 issue of The Log, and then online once the issue has been published.
Photo Credit: Parimal M. Rohit