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Letters/Online Comments

Correction and Comments

Correction An article in the April 21-May 4, 2017 issue of The Log announcing the creation of WorldWide Yacht Services incorrectly listed the new company’s phone numbers. The correct contact

Newport Harbor Rules of the Road - Nina K Jussila photo

Are boats in Newport Harbor too fast and furious?

NEWPORT BEACH ― “Fast and Furious,” a film featuring a subculture of speeding cars and loud music, just released its most recent installment out in theaters this spring. Is there

Standing Watch
Info Sidebar

San Diego coalition hopes to combat illegal charters

SAN DIEGO — Should passenger-for-hire services be left entirely to the open market, free of government interference? Is formal regulation of illegal charters a means to ensure safety on the

Illegal Charters

Coast Guard continues to take aim at illegal charters

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — Boaters in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles beware: the feds are cracking down on unauthorized passenger-for-hire activities in local waters. If you own a recreational