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The Santa Barbara Yacht Club Turns 150 Years Old!

SANTA BARBARA—The Santa Barbara Yacht Club was founded in 1872 and will celebrate its 150-year anniversary in 2022. Beginning in January and continuing throughout the year, the club will host events and races to commemorate its history, achievements, contributions, and national and international involvement in the sport of yachting. The Santa Barbara Yacht Club is the second oldest yacht club on the Pacific Coast. As of now, the only concrete date for the events is the opening day celebration on April 2 and 3.


The other events planned for the 2022 celebration include:


  • The unveiling of a bronze plaque, at the club entrance, recognizing its 150-year history.
  • Hosting the Club’s Opening Day events and activities over two days, April 2 and 3.
  • The Blessing of the Fleet event which is held in the harbor and is open to the public.
  • A sailboat race series of five races scheduled throughout the year.
  • An event to recognize and honor the Staff Commodores. There are 112 known

Commodores of the Santa Barbara Yacht Club, of which 22 are alive. There has been one

Honorary Commodore, in 1925 Major Max Fleschmann was made Honorary Commodore

for his efforts to build the harbor breakwater, both financial and personal commitment.

  • A yacht club history display at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum.
  • A professional video production about the yacht club, sailing and contributions to the


  • A “Tall Ship” arrival and celebration highlighting the yacht club’s contribution to youth


For more information regarding updates to the dates on the itinerary, please email [email protected].


SBYC prides itself on the growth it has seen over the last 150 years thanks to the membership that is dedicated to promoting yachting activities, preserving maritime tradition, and serving its members’ social and recreational needs while being mindful of the needs of the community, according to a statement made on the SBYC website. The club is currently under a major renovation and remodeling project that will prepare the club to carry on its mission for the future. Once completed, the clubhouse will be ready to continue providing pleasurable yachting experiences.

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