Increased sightings of entangled whales cruising the West Coast
STATEWIDE ― The number of whales seen entangled in fishing gear off the West Coast have been increasing in recent years, with 61 reported in 2015 and 71 in 2016.
STATEWIDE ― The number of whales seen entangled in fishing gear off the West Coast have been increasing in recent years, with 61 reported in 2015 and 71 in 2016.
LONG BEACH — A local developer as its eyes set on redeveloping a dilapidated piece of land across the street from Alamitos Bay Marina. CenterCal Properties, if it has its
If you’re anything like Arv and me, you’ve spent the last few weeks glued to news about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and their catastrophic impact on Texas, Florida and Caribbean
SAN DIEGO ― The iWatch My Bay program, which launched three years ago in San Diego, continues to function as a neighborhood watch type program on the water. Marina operators
SAN DIEGO — A request to modify plans surrounding a new hotel project at Harbor Island was delayed by Port of San Diego’s Board of Port Commissioners on Sept. 12.
TWO HARBORS ― October brings out the ghouls, pumpkins, pirates and more. The 28th annual Buccaneer Days brings four days of “swashbuckling fun” to Catalina Island’s Two Harbors, Oct. 5-8.
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