Taxes, illegal charters, environment and ethanol dominate 2017 headlines
STATEWIDE — The time of making resolutions and looking ahead to what could be is upon us, meaning it’s also a great opportunity to review the year we just experienced.
STATEWIDE — The time of making resolutions and looking ahead to what could be is upon us, meaning it’s also a great opportunity to review the year we just experienced.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tax reform might not be the most glamorous of topics on Capitol Hill but the drama surrounding the passage and signing of a federal levy package certainly
As man’s best friend, dogs are constant companions loyally following their masters through a series of exploits. In the case of these furry navigators, that means taking a relaxing trip
From voyaging through the Panama Canal to yachting on an ancient port in Greece, The Log is one well-traveled publication. Over the years, we have dedicated “The Log Abroad” department
Nothing beats the excitement of reeling in a big catch — in fact sometimes the excitement is so overwhelming you could just kiss that massive sea bass! Anglers shared these
NEWPORT BEACH — While many boaters might have New Year’s resolutions to overall improve the operations of their boats, it appears the School of Sailing & Seamanship at Orange Coast
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