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February 25, 2021

Dana point whales

Dana Point Designated as a Whale Heritage Site

DANA POINT一 Donna Kalez, co-president of Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching, and Gisele Anderson, co-president of Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari are business competitors and friends who have accomplished


The SeaCleaners Premieres Design for Trash Eating Sailboat

PARIS, FRANCE一On Jan. 26, SeaCleaners released the design for The Manta, an eco-designed sailboat for collecting large amounts of marine waste. The boat operates on a renewable energy power supply

Provided by Love Catalina
Catalina Connection

Catalina reopens for visitors just in time for spring break

CATALINA一Catalina Island reopened visitor amenities after Los Angeles County lifted their COVID restrictions on Jan. 29. Love Catalina, the official Catalina Island Tourism Authority, sent out a press release on