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April 21, 2022

Fish Rap

Bluefin and Yellowtail Biting Well Offshore!

SAN DIEGO⸺ The bluefin tuna season has taken a sharp turn for the better in past week. The bluefin fishing got good and last weekend it was good enough that


Sailing 101: Kiss My Mast

SOUTHERN CALIF.— A sail provides propulsive force via a combination of lift and drag, depending on its angle of attack- its angle with respect to the apparent wind. Apparent wind

News & Departments

Biden Helps BOEM Combat Climate Change

UNITED STATES— On March 28, The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management published a press release announcing the submission of the Biden-Harris Administration’s President’s Budget for the fiscal year (FY) 2023

News & Departments

Ventura Harbor Commission Hears Ventura Water Pure Presentation

VENTURA⸺ In their April 6 meeting, the Ventura Board of Port Commissioners heard a presentation from civil engineer Adam Bugielski about the Ventura City Council project, the VenturaWaterPure program. The


Port Hueneme Seeks Public Input on Changing Name

PORT HUENEME— On March 25, Port Hueneme held a special city council meeting to address changing the city’s name from Port Hueneme to Hueneme Beach to eliminate the confusion between