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David Weil. Esq.

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Ask The Attorney

Can My Cruising Guests Sue Me in a Mexico Court?

I own a U.S.-documented recreational fishing boat that I take to Mexico frequently on extended fishing trips with friends. A question came up recently concerning a possible injury that occurred

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Ask The Attorney

Should I Let a Boat Buyer Take Over My Loan Payments?

I am selling my boat and considering an offer from a buyer that involves some “creative financing.” The buyer was unable to qualify for financing from a conventional marine lender,

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Ask The Attorney

Our Surveyor Missed Something: What Now?

Last year, we purchased a 40-foot sailboat, and we hired a marine surveyor to inspect the boat prior to the purchase. Catastrophe struck less than a month after we took

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Ask The Attorney

Do Foreign Boaters Have to Fly a Courtesy Flag?

We are the owners of a U.S.-flagged vessel, sailing around the world. We have always flown a new, correctly sized courtesy flag upon entering the territorial waters of a foreign