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Parimal M. Rohit

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Ventura Harbor to re-open public launch ramp

VENTURA—Another public boat launch ramp in Ventura County will re-open on April 24. The Ventura Port District announced boaters can access Ventura Harbor’s boat launch again, beginning at 12:01 a.m.

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Channel Islands Harbor to re-open boat launch ramp

OXNARD—Ventura County offered some good news for local boaters: the boat launch ramp at Channel Islands Harbor will be re-opened to the boating public as of April 24 – but

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Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments (April 3-16 issue)

RE: “Is Long Beach’s ecosystem restoration project bad news for boaters?” (Feb. 21- March 5) This project is going to be great for us recreational boaters. More fishing opportunities and

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Balboa-to-Catalina: First water-to-water flight

NEWPORT BEACH—The man credited with the first-ever flight within the state of California is also the first person to have piloted a plane across the Catalina Channel. Glenn Luther Martin,

Santa Barbara Waterfront

Santa Barbara Waterfront circa 1899-1900

SANTA BARBARA—In this photo, from 1899 or 1990, according to the Edson Smith Photo Collection, Stearns Wharf on the Santa Barbara Waterfront can be seen, it is now the oldest