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Illegal passenger-for-hire operations on uptick in San Diego

Illegal Charter
SAN DIEGO — Have boat, will hire. This might be the mantra of many San Diego area vessel owners who see their boat or Jet Ski as a source of extra or primary income. However local law enforcement and a state agency could be cracking down in illegal passenger-for-hire operations...
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8 Responses

  1. Good old san diego mad cause they are not getting the taxes and other fees associated. The port authority has bigger fish to fry like expanding the convention center

  2. You can rent a room or your house out, rent your car (UBER Etc) as long as the gov gets their CUT of PAYOLA (then your called SAFE). Why not let FREE citizens rent anything they own without ANY government payola games? From a drill to a yacht, leave free people alone is my mantra but hey, we live in the USSR where every word we speak or type is monitored so I better say I was just joking, right… Welcome to America 2016.
    USMC Vietnam Vet’s 2 cents. Freedom is not free and has to be maintained and thus paid for by EACH generation.

  3. I have only used professional fishing operations over the many years; however, I think part of the problem with the loss of business to the charter vessels are the exponentially rising costs. I used to be able to go out about a dozen times a year, but now I can barely afford and rationalize more than 2-3 trips a year now.

  4. Get used to “Change is Good & Progress”. Much like Ride sharing, Home sharing, Car sharing, Boat sharing… One should be allowed to share their boats… Allowing for more people to be able to afford to keep their boats and enjoy their passion and be able to share with others at a much more reasonable price then the expensive charter biz… Which btw takes a large cut from the privately owned boats anyways. Protecting the consumer and making sure vessels are safe and safely operated with adequate insurance and therefore also requiring “reasonable” taxes is good. But that’s the way of “free enterprise”… Right!? If I/You/One invented a better computer, home, car, bus, aircraft, form of travel, etc Or better way to afford such to make it more affordable to the consumer then you wouldn’t want those industries to stop us all from benefiting from those innovations and inventions… Or your inventions to be halted by governments would you??? Gotta roll with the times… Though I do understand that you may loose some or all of your business to a “new economy” especially with innovations like Uber, sincerely. So if I’ve found a way to build new vessels that cost 1/2 as much to own and operate would you then sign a petition to stop me so that the boat builders could stay in biz to sell you the existing vessels at the current high costs my fellow good citizen? change is tough but necessary for the greater good.

  5. Get used to “Change is Good & Progress”. Much like Ride sharing, Home sharing, Car sharing, Boat sharing… One should be allowed to share their boats… Allowing for more people to be able to afford to keep their boats and enjoy their passion and be able to share with others at a much more reasonable price then the expensive charter biz… Which btw takes a large cut from the privately owned boats anyways.

    Protecting the consumer and making sure vessels are safe and safely operated with adequate insurance and therefore also requiring “reasonable” taxes is good. But that’s the way of “free enterprise”… Right!?

    If I/You/One invented a better computer, home, car, bus, aircraft, form of travel, etc Or better way to afford such to make it more affordable to the consumer then you wouldn’t want those industries to stop us all from benefiting from those innovations and inventions… Or your inventions to be halted by governments would you???

    Gotta roll with the times… Though I do understand that you may loose some or all of your business to a “new economy” especially with innovations like Uber, sincerely.

    So if I’ve found a way to build new vessels that cost 1/2 as much to own and operate would you then sign a petition to stop me so that the boat builders could stay in biz to sell you the existing vessels at the current high costs my fellow good citizen? change is tough but necessary for the greater good.

  6. Although the article mentions safety equipment the boats, it totally ignored the fact that the vessel must have a USCG licensed Captain. This entails considerable education in all aspects of boating and passing a monitored test. This is to insure the safety of the passengers, who literally put their lives in the hands of the Captain. This requirement applies only if people pay for the trip, there are no requirements for private vessels who do take out people for free.

  7. If you want a heavier handed enforcement maybe San Diego should contact the LA Long Beach sector of the US Coast Guard

    I think the Department of Homeland Security title went to their heads

    They have gone through the area and shut down nonprofits that are not collecting any fees to have passengers aboard on extremely safe vessels

    Despite not having any evidence at all of breaking any passenger for hire rules they are able to shut down anyone they want to anytime they want to

    Apparently our taxes give them unlimited legal resources to tie up nonprofits in court for years as well depriving thousands of inner-city children the joy of experiencing the ocean for the first time

    They enjoy operating above the law in LA please don’t give them the same power in San Diego

    Trust me you won’t like the results

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