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Kettenburg & Classic Yacht Regatta Scheduled June 29-July 1

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Byline: The Log Staff

SAN DIEGO — San Diego Yacht Club and the Ancient Mariners Sailing Society are inviting all classes of wooden boats — including all Kettenburg makes and models — to participate in this year’s Kettenburg & Classic Yacht Regatta, June 29-July 1.

Participants can look forward to competitive buoy racing, a scenic bay race, a Concours d’Elegance, Med-tie moorings, a Saturday night dinner and presentation on San Diego’s maritime history, a Sunday barbecue, and a variety of other activities and entertainment.

Proceeds from the event will go to benefit the San Diego Maritime Museum and the Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego.To register online, visit


Friday, June 29
1-4 p.m.: Registration
2-8 p.m.: Concours d’Elegance
4-8 p.m.: Dockside cocktails and hors d’oeuvres

Saturday, June 30

Noon: Buoy Race #1
To follow: Buoy Race #2
5 p.m.: Barbecue dinner
7 p.m.: Presentation on San Diego maritime history

Sunday, July 1

Noon-4 p.m.: Bay Race
4-6 p.m.: Awards ceremony, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres

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