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New slip plan headed for Chula Vista Marina

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SAN DIEGO – The San Diego Unified Port District’s Board of Commissioners approved a concept plan to upgrade all slips at the Chula Vista Marina as part of the waterfront’s larger plan to become a more attractive destination.

According to a port staff report, the concept plan calls for 25 percent of the Chula Vista Marina docks to be replaced and all others to be upgraded “to meet current code and extend the useful life.”

The concept plan, which was approved at the Oct. 14 meeting, also calls for a new gangway, which would measure 5 feet wide by 80 feet long and be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The existing potable water piping system would be removed and replaced, as would the fire water piping system.

Finally, new LED lights would be installed to complement already existing lighting along main walkways.

“When the marina concept is constructed, it will allow the marina to continue its successful operation and provide access to the waterfront along the bay to south bay residents,” according to a staff report.

Port of San Diego officials advertised the Chula Vista Marina as underused waterfront. More than 500 acres in size, both the Port of San Diego and city of Chula Vista hope to revitalize the marina “into a thriving residential and world-class waterfront resort destination.”

“Construction will be phased to limit impact on existing slips,” Port of San Diego Community Relations Liaison Rita De la Fuente said.

The Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan was approved by the California Coastal Commission in 2012 and, among several goals, proposes to reconfigure the marina and improve the harbor and navigational channel. Environmentally, the master plan also proposes to protect sensitive wildlife habitats, species and coastal resources.

Beyond the marina, the master plan calls for bike trails, mixed-use office and residential buildings, new hotel rooms, public gathering spaces and waterfront retail.

In a presentation at a Chula Vista City Council meeting in April 2013, port officials said in addition to realigning the navigational channel and reconfiguring the marina, the existing boat yard and as many as 200 slips would be relocated.

There are currently 552 slips in the Chula Vista Marina.

Several local and state agencies are involved in the marina redevelopment, including the port, California State Lands Commission and Chula Vista’s City Council, Planning Commission and Redevelopment Corporation.

In November 2013, city and port officials broke ground on the extension of a road connecting the waterfront to the rest of Chula Vista.

The landside development at Chula Vista Marina was not part of this vote.

The commission also gave the green light for staff to begin negotiations with Rida Development Corporation to build a 1,600-room hotel.

Most of the property at Chula Vista Marina is owned by the Port of San Diego. The waterfront redevelopment project could take up to 20 years to complete.

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