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Orange County contemplating answers to questions about Newport Beach docks decision

Newport Docks
Editor’s Note: Carrie Braun responded in an email to Parimal M. Rohit after press time that stated Lt. Corn could make changes to the public docks via Orange County Code of Ordinance Sec. 2-2-1. Sec. 2-2-134 on the  Maintenance of facilities reads: “Public piers and other harbor facilities may be maintained by...
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5 Responses

  1. No single officer is logically entitled to unilaterally change the time rules on Orange County Docks. I can’t see that the legal answer will differ from my opinion [which is based on primary logic]. Also, there may be some facts missing from the allegation.

  2. The County response verifies that Lt. Corn had no authority to close the visitor dock and dinghy dock at Newport Harbor Patrol HQ. Only the Director of OC Parks (Harbors, Beaches and Parks) has that authority. It is my understanding that Lt. Corn unilaterally closed these docks within approximately month of accepting the position of Harbormaster. It appears he was “flexing his muscle” at the cost of public access. Now the County is trying to approve his ill-advised action retroactively because nobody wants to stand up against the politically powerful Sheriff.
    If this situation concerns you, please email OC Supervisor Michelle Steele as this matter is in her district. Her email is: [email protected]

    It is clear to me that the OCSD Harbor Patrol is solely interested in creating a comfortable workplace for themselves in Newport by shutting out the public. Public service is not meant to be “comfortable”. It is meant to serve the public that pays your salary.

  3. Reasonable Boater,
    Did they “CLOSE” the dinghy dock since last week? Nope!! So how does making a time limit change to the dingy dock create a more “comfortable workplace” for the Harbor Patrol? Also, I believe the current Harbormaster started in March of 2018, so it wasn’t one month from the time he arrived. You should read all the applicable OCCO sections, i’d be willing to bet there is more than one that applies to this before giving your legal opinion. I believe the Director of OC Parks can delegate his/her authority to others as described in the OCCOs. Have you spoken with the Director? What was his/her opinion of the time limit changes?

    Lastly, I believe the Harbor Patrol personnel pay taxes like you, so therefore they pay part of their own salary.

  4. I agree, the Sheriff’s Harbor Patrol has forgotten what public service is all about. They don’t even have a visitor dock any longer. I guess they don’t want to deal with boaters. It just doesn’t seem right!

    1. When I asked about the dock, I was told it had to be changed to emergencies only due to ‘visitors’ docking and walking the dock, looking and climbing on the police boats. Seems reasonable to me, given it is a police station. I’m actually surprised they don’t have more security in place than they do.

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