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Recreational access initiative will be on 2018 ballot

Recreational access initiative senate bill 5
SACRAMENTO — California voters will have an opportunity to decide whether to finance coastal protection and outdoor access for all programs with a $4 billion bond, as Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 5 (SB 5) into law, Oct. 15. The ballot initiative, if approved by voters, would specifically finance climate,...
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One Response

  1. As a California native I am very tired of Governor Brown doing as he pleases with my rights and my tax moneys. This initiative goes hand in hand with my now having to pay an additional .12 fuel tax on my fuel bill for my boat. Even though it only goes in the water. I find it hard to pay for the fuel in the 1st place and considering just giving up the boat all together or moving to perhaps Texas or???
    As a lowly poor citizen I dont have a limo or a boat supplied to me by the tax payers like you do and now you want to add another fee???

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