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August 1, 2019

Standing Watch
Standing Watch

Waterfront Education remains in Redondo Beach

REDONDO BEACH—We’ve heard the clichés: the youth are our future; education is the key to success; and so on. The future of youth and education on the Redondo Beach waterfront,

Leeway Sailing

Grant for Leeway Sailing Center increased by $40,000

LONG BEACH—Long Beach’s City Council approved an amendment for a grant award, July 2, for the planned purchase and replacement of equipment at Leeway Sailing Center. The center will receive

Trash Skimmer

Long Beach to repair trash skimmer boat

LONG BEACH—South Coast Shipyard and the city of Long Beach will enter into a services contract to repair “Trash Debris Skimmer Boat 3918,” the City Council voted on July 2.