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David Weil. Esq.

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Ask The Attorney

Who’s at fault in a Shipping Lane collision?

I was recently a passenger aboard my brother in-law’s motoryacht during a pleasure trip to Catalina when we had a close encounter with a merchant ship. We were in fairly

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Ask The Attorney

Who is on the hook for slip fees?

We rented a slip in a marina on a month to month basis for our old boat. We paid our slip fees on time every month until we sold the

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Ask The Attorney

Yacht clubs and the ‘Assumption of Risk’

I am chairman of the race committee at a yacht club in California and we have spent a lot of time over the past few months talking about the possible

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Ask The Attorney

Who needs a U.S. Coast Guard License?

Does an individual who is selected and compensated by someone to skipper their bareboat charter sailboat need a Coast Guard license? The compensation in this case did not involve a