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David Weil. Esq.

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Ask The Attorney

Rules of the Road: Part III

What are the right of way rules for standup paddle boards and kayaks encountering power boats and boats under sail? I always thought that a row boat had right of

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Ask The Attorney

Mind the Rules of the Road

What does it take for a sailboat to be considered a “power driven vessel?” I am an active participant in a sailboat owners’ forum and this question is presented and

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Ask The Attorney

Who is responsible when anchored boats collide?

The incident described by our reader is familiar to anyone who has tried to anchor in a crowded cove or harbor. One of the traditional cornerstones of anchoring etiquette requires

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Ask The Attorney

Rules to follow for every boat transaction

My 35-foot motoryacht has been listed for sale for almost a year and I finally have a solid offer. Unfortunately the buyer cannot qualify for conventional financing and he has