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The ins and outs of marina evictions

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Q: I live aboard my boat in a private marina in Northern California, and the owner has asked me to manage the day to day operations of the marina. My job duties include the collection of monthly slip rent, but after starting the job I learned that most of the...
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9 Responses

  1. Mr. Well, you mentioned in one of your articles that after a 30 day notice to vacate, had ended and the tenants had not moved their vessel out of the marina, the the marina owner could shut the power and water off to that vessel and if the owners of the boat could be considered trespasser. With the condition that the vessel was not tied to a sewage line, . Is this still a valid option for a frustrated marina owner.

    1. Jack, the answer in California is yes – – – but with one important footnote. If somehow the tenant were to hire a lawyer, you may end up in front of a judge who refuses to follow the law. Judges are generally not familiar with maritime law, and if you get one who feels sympathetic to your tenant (who I assume is a liveaboard), the judge may make your life difficult regardless of the law. Sad but true. In the long run you would likely prevail even if the the judge sets up obstacles, but it would add to your legal expenses Also your slip rental agreement may have language that would change things, so I can’t comment conclusively without seeing the agreement.

    2. Can marina make me move…am all of.up. But said I m. Indecorous.etc..(vague). & Decision is to only theirs?

  2. Hi David, what is a tenants remedy if a landlord has accepted monthly rent (albeit was paid a week late), but then chains up a slip when the owner takes the boat out, effectively changing the locks, without giving any notice, during a period for which rent has been paid. The only explanation that was given was that the owners “wanted him out,” even after a 9 year relationship.

  3. Hello David. Although a marina may under maritime law terminate a slip
    tenancy without cause and reason whatsoever can it do so if marina management is motivated by racial discrimination and/or expression of political beliefs such as flying presidential campaign flags?

    1. My marina gave me a 30 day notice without cause, just decided to terminate. Can I fight this on discrimination, they just rented the 2 slips next to me and both whatever males. I don’t want to move and they say they have the right to cancel my contract . What can I do ? Did you get a response on your question?

  4. My marina gave me a 30 day notice without cause, just decided to terminate. Can I fight this on discrimination, they just rented the 2 slips next to me and both whatever males. I don’t want to move and they say they have the right to cancel my contract . What can I do ?

  5. The harbor master rescended our 30+ year tenancy agreement for a slip without cause. All fees have consistently been payed on time and up to date. Is this legal? Is there any recource?

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