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Blips on the Radar: Coastal Commission Denies Poseidon Permit

What Happened: In 1998, Poseidon proposed a plan to build two desalination plants, one in Huntington Beach and one in Carlsbad. The plants would be located at existing power plants that were already using seawater to cool their generators.             In 2007, the Coastal Commission approved plans for the plant in...
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3 Responses

  1. Water, water everywhere from predicted sea level rise.
    Water, water nowhere from the skies.

    Nowhere is the article did I see any specific reason for the denial. There were very broad generalities, but no specifics. How long do people need to suffer at the hands of well-intentioned bureaucrats cloaked as authority? They were created by vote, maybe it is time to limit or eliminate them by thye same method.

    1. Protecting the coast should be the number one priority. I applaud the Coastal for voting unanimously against this ill fated project.

  2. The California Coastal Commission is out of control!! Imagine with the water problems in our State they opt to not help the problem. Makes as much sense as closing beaches to protect seals in San Diego.

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