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It’s back to the drawing board for Fisherman’s Wharf project

Channel Islands Harbor
OXNARD—One financial downturn already forced the planned revitalization of Fisherman’s Wharf at Channel Islands Harbor to be substantially delayed. A political back-and-forth between city of Oxnard and county of Ventura, combined with the onset of another economic recession, could result in the local waterfront being dilapidated for several more years. ...
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One Response

  1. The area would not be dilapidated if the powers that be had spent the money to maintain the area! Instead they wasted lots of money on plans and attorney fees trying to put together a sweetheart deal for certain favorite developers! Lots of graft and corruption i suspect as no one i have met wants the new proposed living quarters for about 2000 people in an already over congested area! I suggest they refurbish the existing buildings and maintain a roster of quality tenants to enhance the area! The people don’t want more people, they want more shopping options!

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