MARINA DEL REY— Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin has introduced a motion that would ask the city to explore an option for a temporary housing site in the county-owned parking lot at Fisherman’s Village in Marina del Rey harbor.
Bonin submitted the motion on March 31. It calls for the...
2 Responses
Last Friday, an enraged homeless woman blocking traffic attacked my vehicle while boxed in at a light. She smashed my drivers side window and cracked the door frame. I am a single mom working 50-60 hours a week. Last year, during the riots my tire was slashed at work. The only person on camera was a homeless drug addict that is hangs around our parking lot. Both incidents were caught on camera. Both were not directed at me personally but I am responsible for damages. My insurance is expensive and I have a high deductible. I understand that I am fortunate to have a job but I don’t have the luxury of doing anything other than work to stay afloat. The incident last week was terrifying. Of course, this person was experiencing some type of mental breakdown but truthfully I feel the exact same way and no one is offering to help me keep it together before I break down from stress and lose my job. Los Angeles is a very large county. Please explain why out of the entire county you selected heavily populated beach locations for free housing to individuals that are suffering from mental instability, drug addiction and more. Of course, I am not claiming they are all addicted or mentally unstable but clearly you know exactly what percentage are! You could have selected less populated areas where violent interactions with people commuting to work are less likely. Why haven’t you set up support channels for people like myself who are victims of vicious encounters and have suffered losses? Please tell me who to contact for help repairing my car and what your plans are for protecting the regular working class people.
You should send your bill to the city council. It’s their fault so many vagrants are roaming.