REDONDO BEACH — CenterCal Properties could be dealing with the city of Redondo Beach well into the next century. Surely the El Segundo-based real estate development company could wait a few weeks to iron out some details of a proposed lease agreement with the city before moving forward with a...
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“Plans to include a public boat launch ramp have been a major source of controversy in recent months, with boating interests and city leadership at odds of where to build the venue.” The major objection to the public boat launch is due to its unsafe locations. The City’s own prior studies designated the site they now back as the least desirable. All harbor safety officials are against the newly chosen location based on safety concerns. The only reason this unsafe location was chosen was so the shopping center developer could have priority in siting retail stores. This ill-considered decision leaves the City and probably the state of California, too, open to litigation when the accidents that are predictable at this unsafe location occur. A more in-depth look at the various proposed public boat launch sites would probably be of interest to you readers. I expect many of them would be interested in a King Harbor option to launch boats, since King Harbor offers direct access to the open ocean, and fish-rich Redondo Canyon upwelling in 10 minutes. They can see the Harbor Drive access road that their boat trailers will share with autos going to the shopping mall, bicycles on the coastal bike path, pedestrians and other boaters going to adjacent marinas and beach-goers. It’s a traffic nightmare. Also relevant is the fact that this boat launch siting will eliminate existing boat slips in King Harbor, reducing recreational usage of the harbor in favor of retail stores and a movie theatre.