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On dock carts and other pet peeves

Harbor Bin
SAN DIEGO — Why do some boaters think it’s their right to keep a dock cart by their boat, even after they’ve off-loaded their luggage, groceries or whatever else, leaving it by their slip even when departing the marina on a cruise? Or they leave their boat for the day,...
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5 Responses

  1. That’s why I purchased my own folding cart and why I back in. Allot of boaters these days just don’t have any regard for anyone and that is sad they will rep what they sew. And then they will complain and cry…

  2. Agree with the RADAR comment but was also add AIS. If you are in the slip, turn your AIS transponder off. It’s just clogging everyone else’s chart plotter with needless information.

  3. Rude boaters that see how close they can come to boats in a slip and also go over the no wake speed. They may not swamp a large boat but they swamp small boats and dinghy’s tied up behind them.

  4. Ignorance and rudeness go hand in hand. Amazing how so many people today ignore the “Beattitudes” in the Bible. Instead they have what I call the “Me-attitudes”. It’s the result of our Government programs that coddle people and teach them to not be responsible for their actions; and only think about their own selfish wants and instant gratification. Today’s Democratic Party is nothing like it was back when FDR was the greatest President we ever had. He did so much for our country and created programs to eliminate illiteracy and get people to work instead of promoting welfare and keeping them down on the plantation.

  5. I have my own folding cart and simply don’t care anymore about the “problems” the author identified. If nothing else, it saves me that final return-the-marina-cart-to-the-dock trip. Once I’m loaded, I toss it in the back of my huge puck up along with everything else and I leave.

    I think your parking gripe is very much location dependent. Plenty of room where I’m at – and that’s NOT at MDR or the OC.

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