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Redondo Beach Harbor interest group tries again for ballot initiative

REDONDO BEACH — The fate of Redondo Beach Harbor’s redevelopment could come into focus on July 18, when the city’s Harbor Commission is expected to vote on a recommendation of how to move forward with CenterCal’s Waterfront project. Just the same the fate of the harbor revitalization project could be up...
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One Response

  1. The easiest and most cost efficient way to handle launching boats anytime during peak and non-peak seasons is using a marina forklift instead of a hoist. A marina forklift can efficiently pick boats up to 30 ft long off a trailer and launch the boats with it’s negative lift. In some marina operations in the USA, marina forklifts have been able to launch up to 20 boats an hour. An example of a successful marina forklift operation in So. Cal is Lido Yacht Anchorage in Newport Beach. The cost of building a traditional boat launch ramp versus a marina forklift launch is probably a quarter of the cost and a quarter of the space needed. Its also a much cleaner (green) process as well. The trailers with grease and road grime from the road would not touch the water. Just a thought Mike. for more examples

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