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Send The Log your questions for the California Boating Congress

San Diego boating
Marine Recreation Association hosts the second-ever California Boating Congress (CBC) in Sacramento on March 1. The all-day conference and meet-up connects boaters and marine professionals with industry leaders, policymakers and state legislators. The event provides a forum for the state’s recreational boating industry to advocate on the issues directly affecting them...
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2 Responses

  1. “The boaters of California are very frustrated with the expense and difficulty of finding where to properly dispose of marine flares every 36 months. Many boaters report sea disposal which pollutes the ocean with perchlorate but they don’t know what to do with them. When will state take action to make sure that boaters have a safe and convenient way to dispose of flares and that the cost is built into the product price so we are not paying to dispose which is a deterrent to doing the right thing? What and who at the state is going to do something?”

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