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Shelter Island Boat Launch Ramp suffers another delay

Shelter Island Boat Launch Ramp
SAN DIEGO — Shelter Island Boat Launch Ramp will remain closed at the start of San Diego’s boating season and into the beginning of summer as the venue’s improvement project suffered another delay, it was announced on May 10. The boat launch ramp’s improvement project was supposed to be completed ahead...
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2 Responses

  1. What an unbelievable farce! Over ONE & A HALF YEARS to re-do a launch ramp! The excuses given are as lame the apologies. This is bureaucratic bumbling on an epic scale.
    What? They didn’t expect to find concrete and asphalt fill – on an “island” that was originally created with fill??
    What? The contractor had a hard time moving this fill – even though they were using equipment capable of moving the gigantic riprap around??
    The FACT is that thousands of trailer boaters are being hugely inconvenienced (some even opting to sell their boats) and dozens of businesses are suffering severe economic impact. Where is the help for all those SDUPD tenants and customers??
    Yet another example of SDUPD incompetence and arrogance. What a shame for the hard working men, women, and children trying to make a living on the San Diego waterfront, or trying to get some recreational use of the Bay and local waters.
    Shame on them!

  2. Will anybody be reprimanded or fired over this? Of course not. They are city government workers

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