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newport beach boat parade


War Heroes on the Water Welcomes Vets on Oct. 1

NEWPORT BEACH一 War Heroes on the Water will host their annual charity fishing tournament benefitting wounded war veterans and the non-profit Freedom Alliance the first weekend of October. The annual

Newport Beach Boat Parade winner Best Powerboat

Winners of the 2016 Holiday Boat Parades

Covered in dazzling lights and festive decorations, boats of all sizes cruised the various harbors throughout Southern California during the month of December. The holiday boat parades delighted spectators all

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Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade

The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade will celebrate its 108th birthday when it kicks off Dec. 14. The first set of lighted boats hit Newport Harbor on July 4, 1908

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108th Newport Beach Boat Parade

The Newport Beach Boat Parade begins with fireworks at Newport Pier at 6:15 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 14 and ends with fireworks at Balboa Pier at 9:00 p.m. on Sun.,