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December 13, 2018

Sea Level Rise

Updates to sea level rise policy adopted by Coastal Commission

SAN FRANCISCO — New findings reported by California’s Ocean Protection Council (OPC) gave the California Coastal Commission reason to revisit and update its sea level rise policy guidance document. Commissioners

Redondo Beach Sportfishing Pier

Redondo Beach Waterfront: What’s next for 2019?

REDONDO BEACH — Chronicling the drama behind Redondo Beach’s waterfront project has been interesting to say the least. Residents who attended a California Coastal Commission meeting in October, for example,

Marshall "Duffy" Duffield

Updated election results tips in Duffield’s favor

NEWPORT BEACH — What a difference one month makes. The Log, shortly after the Nov. 6 midterm elections, reported Newport Beach Mayor Marshall “Duffy” Duffield lost his City Council re-election