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John W. Scaffeta

City2Sea fights for future of floating classroom

City2Sea fights for future of floating classroom

SAN PEDRO— For more than 10 years, co-founder and executive director of City2Sea, John Sakacs, has introduced thousands of inner-city, science-crazed kids to marine environments through three hour-long sea voyages.

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Boaters flock to Humphreys Concert Series

SAN DIEGO—Boaters seeking serene waters and striking tunes won’t have trouble finding either this summer as the Humphreys Concerts By the Bay series returns with top musical acts. The San

Rowers prepare for California to Hawaii paddle

Rowers prepare for California to Hawaii paddle

MONTEREY— Navigating 2,100 nautical miles of volatile waters is a tall task. Completing that trek in a rowboat is a gigantic feat. Team Pacific Rowers, a conglomeration of British and