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Blue Gavel Regatta returns to Westlake Yacht Club

Blue Gavel Regatta

WESTLAKE VILLAGE—Westlake Yacht Club hosts its Blue Gavel Regatta again on Sept. 22, bringing Capri 14.2s, Catalina 18s, Lasers, Optis, RS Teras and Sabots to Westlake Lake.

The regatta will allow other dinghies to compete; two entries are required to establish a class or fleet.

Registration is $15 per boat for single-handed and $20 per boat for double-handed entries. The registration fee includes lunch for skipper and crew. Blue Gavel Regatta is open to any good standing members of a yacht club or sailing association associated with Southern California Yachting Association, or SCYA; members of U.S. Sailing are also eligible. Registrations are available online at

Racing will take place in the main channel of Westlake Lake. All boats and entries must go through an inspection for quagga/zebra mussels. Written approval of successful inspection is necessary before placing your boat into the water. The inspection, which organizers say is a short process, includes a check for safety equipment (anchors and line, fenders, life vests, sails and trailers, for example).

The Westlake Management Association (WLMA) inspection calls for all boats and trailers to not have been in fresh waters during the previous 90 days, be dry and also be free of mud and vegetation.

“The [Westlake YC] rear commodore must be notified 24 hours in advance of inspection so that WLMA can be engaged,” the regatta’s Sailing Instructions stated. “Visiting competitors may use the gated launch ramp and guest dock adjacent to the clubhouse.”

Westlake YC’s clubhouse and docks will open and be available to competitors beginning at 10:30 a.m. on race day; a competitor’s meeting will be held at the yacht club at 12:30 p.m. First start is a 1 p.m.

“Three or four races will be run, wind and weather permitting. Subsequent races will be held as soon as practicable after all boats have finished the previous race. It is the intention of the Race Committee that all racing be completed by 4 p.m.,” the Sailing Instructions stated. “The preparatory signal for the first start is scheduled at 1 p.m. The races will follow a rolling 3-minute starting sequence. Order of class starts and other notices will be announced at the Competitor’s Meeting.”

Lunch and beverage will be available during the regatta. Spectators can view racing from the yacht club’s deck.

Contact Rear Commodore Gary Hughes at 805-295-0051 or [email protected] for more information about the regatta.


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