Casey Shedd is the president of the American Fishing Tackle Company (AFTCO) based in Santa Ana, CA, and in the 40 years since his grandfather founded the business, it’s been a proponent of conservation and sustainable fishing.
(credit: AFTCO image)
“We write more than $400,000 in checks (annually) and products to different conservation groups and use the company’s voice to speak to different issues,” he said.
AFTCO is a big supporter recreational and commercial fishing and making sure the public has access to the water. “We believe that fish are meant to be harvested and the most humane way to do that is by rod and reel,” said Shedd. “If you catch something on the rod and reel you know where it came from and how it was harvested.”
Because of that desire to ensure anglers who want to fish can, AFTCO commits considerable effort to fighting against marine protected areas, no-fishing zones and other restrictions put forth by hardcore environmentalists.
(credit: AFTCO image)
Focused on the Big Picture
AFTCO is just one proponent of sustainable fishing. Positively Groundfish is an organization of commercial anglers that works with the West Coast Groundfish fishery, which encompasses more than 90 species of fish that are native to the Pacific Ocean and abundant off the California, Oregon, and Washington state coastlines. The fishery includes more than 50 species of Rockfish, eight types of Sole, Black Cod, Lingcod, Pacific Cod, Thornyheads, Flounder, and Skates.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hails the West Coast groundfish resurgence as “the comeback of the century.” After the species were commercially over-fished during the 1990s, the coastal Pacific was declared a federal disaster in 2000. The West Coast groundfish fishery is subject to a rigorous management process through the federally appointed Pacific Fishery Management Council that was put in place to ensure the continued abundance of groundfish moving forward. This entails scientifically set limits on total catch, an individual quota and limitations on when, where, and how fishing can occur.
(credit: AFTCO image)
Members of Positively Groundfish are accountable for their catch. Every commercial boat that catches West Coast groundfish has an independent observer or an electronic monitoring system on board to ensure accurate catch-record keeping. Since 2014, all major West Coast groundfish species have earned certification by the Marine Stewardship Council and are rated “Best Choice” by the organization Seafood Watch.
To provide fresh groundfish, all fish sold by Positively Groundfish are caught and fileted locally on the west coast of the United States. This minimizes food miles and reduces the organization’s carbon footprint. It also supports local communities.
At the state level, the California Ocean Protection Council, an organization whose mission is to advance science-based policy and management decisions, is making strategic investments and forming partnerships to protect the waters off the state’s coastline.
(credit: AFTCO image)
The council’s biodiversity program works to enhance the health of California’s coastal and marine ecosystems, restore and protect threatened habitats and support sustainable fishing. “Our state’s unique and globally significant network of 124 marine protected areas is breaking new ground in improving ocean health,” a statement on the group’s website reads.
In 2021, the OPC reauthorized its contribution to the California Fisheries Fund, a revolving loan that supports sustainable commercial fisheries in the state. It helps fishermen and fishing-based businesses achieve environmental conservation and sustainability, improved profitability for the industry, and stability for port communities. The fund supports California fishing communities, groups, associations and businesses by assisting them with a transition to more environmentally and economically stable fishing practices and governance.
The council also approved funding to San Jose State University to support a cooperative groundfish sampling program with the California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP). This is a partnership with recreational anglers, boat captains, scientists and charter companies that want to promote sustainable fisheries. Since the Marine Protected Area Network was formed, CCFRP has worked to develop a long-term, collaborative and standardized statewide monitoring program that involves recreational anglers in surveys inside and outside the protected areas.
A History of Conservation
When he founded AFTCO, Milt Shedd was also a co-founder of SeaWorld in 1963. At the same time, he developed the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute to develop and nurture a nonprofit research foundation. It was named in honor of Dr. Carl Leavitt Hubbs achievements in ocean science and education.
“The organization still exists as an independent third party,” said Casey Shedd.
The family has long championed different initiatives including the White Seabass hatchery. Former AFTCO president Bill Shedd is the chairman of the organization that manages the hatchery.
AFTCO has also partnered with the nonprofit Coastal Conservation Association chapters across the country to build and restore oyster beds. The company is also working with the Hart Research Institute at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi on oyster and shark-tagging projects.
The Shedd family has also championed the removal of gillnets in the Pacific Ocean.
Another area of concern for anyone who spends time on the water is the proliferation of plastic pollution. “A dump truck-full of land-based plastics is added to the oceans every minute,” said Casey Shedd. AFTCO has since looked inward to improve its conservation efforts, eliminating plastics in its manufacturing, using recycled materials and buying a bailer to bundle recycled materials.
Shedd sits on the board of the American Sportfishing Association and feels that the best ways to manage healthy fisheries is to fish them. “We believe in respecting the ocean and keeping species for the next guy,” said Casey Shedd. “But we believe fish should be caught.”