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Finding a balance between boaters and SUP yogis

Sea Dog Yoga in the Channel Islands Harbor
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ― Standup paddleboarding and yoga have emerged as trending recreational activities, going so far as to merge into a fused fitness activity on the water. Standup paddleboard yoga – or SUP yoga –classes have been popping up in waterways throughout Southern California. Are recreational harbors and lagoons already too...
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4 Responses

  1. Harbors are for providing shelter for boats, and the docking and maintaining of them -and, providing a means of navigation to open waters. The cost of constructing and maintaining these harbors is paid for by vessel registrations and taxes. No funds are provided by any other users, however operators of SUPs and those small sailboats and kayakers tend to forget this; and, many even tend to think they actually own the harbors—to the point they believe they have the right-a-way and expect boaters to navigate around them, to the point they create serious hazardous situations. We need some serious, strictly enforced rules for those who want to make use of harbors before we start seeing some very bad “road rage” and/or accidents. Also, the companies that rent these human powered craft and small sailboats need to be held accountable and bonded to ensure their responsibility and liability in event of accidents.

  2. Thank you to Log and Nina for featuring Sea Dog Yoga in this article. Although it has a somewhat negative tone towards sup yoga in relation with boating I believe it’s important to each examine how we are contributing to or hindering Harbor safety if we are operating in the harbor. We teach each student the importance of watercraft safety and rules of the waterways which I can appreciate growing up as a boater. It is always important paddle boarders understand to give boats the right of way and on the same token it is important that boaters realize the harbor can be for everyone who is willing to participate in harbor safety rules. We teach and have practiced water safety in our respective training certification courses and it is up to the instructor to relate this safety information to the students and each business may have differing safety practices. Safety is a top priority at Sea Dog Yoga and we strive for the quality of class over quantity of students:) Also, we recently increased our fleet and offer class for up to 5 students now!

  3. The rental companies should give renters basic courtesy rules. Most SUP ERS don’t even know what is around them.They don’t realize that operating sail and power boats is not easy in some conditions

  4. Lets not just single out SUP. Kayakers too have no idea whats going on. Sometimes, this means that people are renting for the first time and have no idea how to control them. I have personally had to put my boat in reverse because someone decided to cross my bow on my way out to sea. Personally, i cant wait till 2018 for people to have a valid boaters ID and sure hope that rule goes towards ALL SUP, Kayaks and other Water toys that dont require registration.

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