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August 17, 2017

Sea Dog Yoga in the Channel Islands Harbor

Finding a balance between boaters and SUP yogis

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ― Standup paddleboarding and yoga have emerged as trending recreational activities, going so far as to merge into a fused fitness activity on the water. Standup paddleboard yoga

Avalon Catalina Island

Avalon’s consultant delays sediment analysis report

AVALON ― A sedimentation analysis has been underway in the Avalon Harbor to search for a solution to beach erosion. Avalon City Council members expected the consultant conducting the study

Alamitos Bay Marina concrete docks

353 slips currently offline at Alamitos Bay Marina

LONG BEACH ― The rebuild project for Long Beach’s Alamitos Bay Marina is expected to be completed by summer 2018, according to city staff. Bellingham Marine, the company contracted to