STATEWIDE — Taxes – if you believe the group of people we identify as “they” – is one of two guarantees in life. Some would argue death, life’s other guarantee, might as well be applied to California’s boating public based on the way state officials and policymakers have been handling...
7 Responses
How about California government not stealing money thereby not need to take boat owners write-off?
A court ruled late Friday that California is obligated to return $331 million that it took from a fund designated to help troubled borrowers but instead used to plug holes in the state’s budget.
The Commies are at it again.
They are just pushing productive people out of the state.
Soon it will be the Ultra Rich and the peon welfare class.
The Democrat’s are truly Idiots in action.
Damn right..Pinkos at it again
I’m a Conservative however, the idea of getting a tax “loophole” for calling a boat a “second home” is not something I agree with. The article definitely presents a lot of ‘alternate facts’, such as the average boat purchase price being $16,517. Obviously this would not be considered a live aboard boat. There is one area of taxation that is definitely a huge rip-off for all income levels: The tax that slip renters have to pay annually. This is a “property tax based on the valuation of the slip/space, and is imposed on whomever occupied that slip on January 1st. of each year. I can’t imagine how this outrageous tax has been accepted by the hundreds of thousands of slip renters. I know it has been challenged in the past, however, it never received much, if any publicity—thus it died on the vine. This is no different than a home or apartment renter being taxed on the value of his rental. Also, even more egregious, the slip renter could be there on Jan. 1st. and move out the next month, and will still be taxed for the whole year. What about the ‘Guest slips’? Which one of them gets taxed? Talk about “taxation without representation”. This is what the ‘Tea Party’ was all about. Apparently we are a different culture today—and, simply accept this sort of thing.
Well worded
La county bad enough
OC county much worse
How bout a big thank you to all of us that kept you afloat during the last recession
Mitch Schroeder
Multi boat owner
To qualify for the second home deduction it must have a head, place to sleep and a place to cook. I have worked hard to pay the mortgage on my floating condo and the deduction played a huge role in affordability.i have no desire to work to subzidize affordable housing in California.
The tax is based on the value of the vessel based on where the vessel has a slip on Jan 1 every year whether it is in the slip or not. It is a property tax bill.
Here is another example of California trying to pay for their incompetence and mismanagement by finding ways to increase tax liabilities on anyone who can be considered to be reasonably successful. So the message being sent is if you work hard and by so doing, can afford to have some enjoyable things in life as a result of hard work and dedication, you should be taxed more to pay for the derelicts and illegal aliens in the state. California has sought to become a socialist state uder the current politicians and yet the Democrat majority keeps winning. Come on my fellow republicans, let’s get some unity and get to the polls at election time. Let’s end this abuse and corruption.