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June 8, 2017

How to cook fish
Dock Lines

Cooking a fresh catch

For many boaters it’s now fishing season. Some anglers may return with their catch suddenly realizing they don’t really know how to clean their fish properly, let alone cook it.

Ocean Cleanup Bill

Federal bill aims to keep foreign marine debris away

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Marine debris from other countries is invading the United States. A bipartisan effort is underway in Washington, D.C., to address marine debris along the nation’s coastline, as

Transpac yacht race

Multihull rating to be added to Transpac 2017 race

LOS ANGELES — Sailors participating in the 49th running of the biennial Transpac race – a 2,225-nautical-mile trans-Pacific race from Los Angeles to Honolulu – will welcome a new wrinkle