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Fish Rap

Vamos a Pescar Grant Applications Now Available

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is now accepting applications for the “Vamos a Pescar” community grant program for fishing programs, classes and activities committed to educating and

News & Departments

How Maritime History is Woven Within Thanksgiving

Family gatherings and a big turkey feast will likely be your first thoughts when someone says “Thanksgiving.” While there isn’t a direct and inherent connection between maritime activities and the


Southern California Holiday Boat Parades

San Diego County 53rd Annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights Date: Dec. 10 and Dec. 17 Time: 5:30 p.m. Details: The 53rd Annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights offers

News & Departments

Holiday Gifts for Your Angler

If you are wondering what to put under the Christmas tree for the angler in your life, you need not look far. No matter how much fishing gear this individual