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The Log Bizarre Facts

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Bizarre Facts: California Rules Bees Can be Fish?

On May 31, California’s Third District Court of Appeal ruled that bees could legally be considered fish. The court reversed a lower court’s ruling for seven agriculture groups who argued

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Bizarre Facts: Ink-redible Octopus Garden Discovery

MONTEREY BAY– A recent study has found that octopuses living in the deep sea off the coast of California are breeding faster than expected by strategically laying eggs in the

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Bizarre Facts: Unusual Jellyfish Discovered in Monterey Bay

MONTEREY BAY—In a discovery conducted on March 16 by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) research team, Animals, scientists have uncovered an “unusual” new species of deep-sea jellyfish living in

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Bizarre Facts: What Octo-pies an Octopus’s Thoughts?

TORONTO— A study titled, “Do octopuses, squid, and crabs have emotions,” conducted on March 24 by York University in Toronto, has expanded on the mental capabilities of octopuses. Our eight-armed

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Bizarre Facts: Eat, Sleep, Shark, Repeat

BRITISH COLUMBIA— A study conducted by Mike Kelly and researchers from Simon Fraser University, published by Biology Letters on March 15, uncovered the first psychological evidence that sharks take a break from the hunt