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About Boating Safely

This beginner boating class provides the knowledge needed to obtain a California Boaters Card. Topics include type of boats, trailering, navigation, boat handling and more. Time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Location:

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About Boating Safely

This beginner boating class provides the knowledge needed to obtain a California Boaters Card. Topics include type of boats, trailering, navigation, boat handling and more. Time: 9:30-11 a.m. Location: Chula

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Boating Skills & Seamanship

This course is designed for both the experienced and beginner boater. Topics include boater language, types of boats, trailering, marine engines, lines and knots, weather, radio and much more. Class

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ABCs of Boating

The ABC course covers: rules of the road, types of boats, safety, navigation aids, lights and sounds, anchoring, communications afloat, adverse conditions, trailering, and knots and lines. It also introduces

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About Boating Safely

This beginner boating class provides the knowledge needed to obtain a boat license or safety certification in many states. Topics include types of boats, trailering, navigation and more. Time: 8

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About Boating Safely

This Wednesday evening boating course, Sept. 13 – 27, provides the knowledge needed to obtain a boat license or safety certification in many states. Topics include types of boats, trailering, navigation and

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Boating Skills & Seamanship

This Thursday night course, Sept. 7-Nov. 16, is designed for both the experienced and beginner boater. Topics include boater language, types of boats, trailering, marine engines, lines and knots, weather,

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About Boating Safely

This beginner boating class, in Oxnard, provides the knowledge needed to obtain a boat license or safety certification in many states. Topics include types of boats, trailering, navigation and more.