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Ask a Maritime Attorney: Should I buy the boat through an LLC?

ask a maritime attorney
Question: I am considering the purchase of a boat that is titled in a Delaware LLC. I have completed sea trial and survey and we are preparing to close pursuant to the provisions of the yacht purchase agreement, but the broker suggested that I consider the purchase of the LLC itself....
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2 Responses

  1. I am holding paper on my yacht I sold in SanPedro, Ca and was wondering if you handle those type of cases? 310-804-9909

  2. I am considering the purchase of an LLC owned boat. I believe, according to your article, that I will want to purchase the LLC with contingencies for survey approval and any adjustments in price to reflect conditions discovered in the survey. The price of the boat will be somewhere between $200-$350K. Does your firm deal in purchases of this size and could you give me an approximate estimate fees? I’m trying to determine whether it would be better to go that route or to just purchase the boat and pay the sales tax. I can be reached at the email below or by phone at 510.499.4660 if you’d like to discuss this directly.

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