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Is sand replenishment a defense to sea level rise?

Coastal Commission
SAN DIEGO—The threat of sea level rise is real and its effects are fast approaching, members of the California Coastal Commission have been preaching for the past few years. What could happen to California’s coastal communities if the worst of predicted sea level rise is realized within the next 80...
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3 Responses

  1. Your coastline is not being overtaken by rising water. The state of California is slowly sinking. You should be more concerned about earthquakes causing the coastline to disappear forever.

  2. California start building desalination plants and pump that water in
    Turn California green ,fill the salton sea with that water
    Desalination water plants can solve it all
    No more forest fires lots of water for our needs
    Just a thought

  3. How much do you think the sea is rising? About 6-7 INCHES per CENTURY, not the 12 footr rise that should have already occurred, according to previous forecasts. You are spreading inaccurate assertions and never run any rebuttals. Every single forecast has been proven wrong. The “models” don’t work.

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