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King Harbor Mooring Field Revenues Don’t Cover Maintenance Costs: Should it be Reduced?

Standing Watch
REDONDO BEACH—In 2011, Redondo Beach received a grant from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW), with a 15 percent match fronted by the city, to develop a transient mooring field in King Harbor. The hope was it would make...
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3 Responses

  1. Insufficient information is provided in the article for any reasonable evaluation, even aside from the requirements of the Grant Agreement with DBW. There is also a hint, but no real information that the private contractors involved with management and maintenance may not be happy with the current arrangement. The occupancy rate as presented is dismal, but there s no real information about possible reasons, ranging from condition of the individual moorings, limitations on length of stay, cost per night calculations, comparative costs for short term slips, availability of services (starting with shore boat service), location comfort, security (crime), safety (natural events) and so on. All should be available and in the mix before any meaningful discussion can take place. Opinion surveys are not cheap, or accurate, depending on the method, sources, and payer, but I’d bet some people have some readily accessible, reliable, and independent sources already have some information, maybe some ideas and more than a few suggestions.

  2. Since the moorings replaced some of the last free anchorage in Southern California, getting a little of it back would be awesome. I only used it once, and maybe one day I will get to use it again as a free rest stop on my way up the coast, or to the island.

  3. I believe the absence of a dinghy dock and/or any transportation from the mooring to the marina is a major deterrent for mooring use. I have a 35′ power boat I store on a trailer, would definitely use a mooring for weekends if I had a way to get to shore.

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