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New Hyatt Hotel and restaurant to begin construction at Channel Islands Harbor

Channel Islands Redevelopment Rendering
OXNARD — In 2016, the California Coastal Commission approved the complete replacement of Casa Sirena Hotel and Lobster Trap, two long closed, dilapidated properties on the Channel Islands Harbor waterfront. Lessee Brighton Management will soon receive approval to begin grading the properties—razing the buildings and most of the parking lot areas...
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10 Responses

  1. This is WAY overdue. This will greatly enhance the waterfront. That site has been an eyesore fo years. And the adjacent Marina is basically falling apart.

  2. This is great news for the military base. We used to use those facilities all the time for meetings and to have our visitors stay at the hotel. Will be nice to be able to do that again.

    1. Remember a thriving hotel and restaurant and am anxious to see it reinstated. What is the delay? No efforts are going forward since the last report of 2/18. Can anyone update us?

  3. Remember a thriving hotel and restaurant and am anxious to see it reinstated. What is the delay? No efforts are going forward since the last report of 2/18. Can anyone update us?

  4. Well it’s now 2021- what’s the story?? Just drove by the hotel and restaurant and they look awful. So so sad! What will it take to get something new??

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