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What in the world to do with California’s sea lion population?

Newport Beach Sea Lions
NEWPORT BEACH—There’s nothing cuter than the friendly marina sea lion – at least that’s how it might appear from an outsider’s perspective. Sadly, cohabitating with sea lions has become one of the more difficult epidemics on California’s coastline. The Log has written on this subject fairly extensively, but it looks...
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One Response

  1. Sea Lions have become a nuisance. The obvious and sensible solution is reducing their population. They eat 75 lbs of fish a day from our local waters. Calif formed Marine Protected Areas to keep man out to preserve the fish populations. Fishermen do not harvest 22,500,000 pounds of fish a day from local CA waters. The biggest threat to fish populations in local waters is the CA Sea Lion. with their veracious appetites.

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