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November 8, 2011

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Bruce the Turtle Released into San Diego Bay

Byline: Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — A Pacific green sea turtle has been released into San Diego Bay after being nursed back to health at SeaWorld from life-threatening gunshot

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Blackbeard’s Cannon Salvaged from Shipwreck

Byline: Associated Press BEAUFORT, N.C. (AP) — Researchers have raised a 2,000-pound cannon from the wreck of the pirate Blackbeard’s ship, which has been on the ocean floor off the

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Study Says U.S. Values Hawaii Reefs at $33.57 Billion

Byline: Audrey McAvoy | Associated Press HONOLULU (AP) — Americans peg the value of coral reefs around the main Hawaiian Islands at $33.57 billion, a study commissioned by the federal

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Fishermen Catch Bag Filled with $145,000 Cash

Byline: Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — A fishing boat netted a bag packed with cash worth 11 million yen (around $145,000) off Japan’s northeastern coast — a catch probably swept