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September 23, 2021


Questions and Answers

Question: “What is happening with the Jerry Boylan trial?” Steve Smith, on the Log website Answer: In a Sept. 9 email Thom Mrozek, director of media relations for the United

News & Departments

U.S. SailGP Team Climbs Leaderboard in Saint Tropez

SAINT TROPEZ, France一 The U.S. SailGP Team qualified for its third podium on Sept. 12 at the France Sail Grand Prix, this bumped the U.S. team up on the leadership

Fish Rap

Fall Chinook Salmon Quota Met in Lower Klamath River

KLAMATH RIVER一 The California Department of Fish and Wildlife predicted that anglers will have met the fall chinook salmon quota for the lower Klamath River as of Sept. 7, marking


The Port of San Diego Secures Funding for Eelgrass Research

SAN DIEGO一 The Port of San Diego recently secured $150,000 in funding from the United States Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration META program to study eelgrass carbon sequestration in San