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March 31, 2022


On the Horizons

2022 Sundown Series (April 8)    MARINA DEL REY⸺ The first race of the Del Rey Yacht Club 2022 Sundown Series is scheduled for April 8 at 5:55 p.m. in Marina

Fish Rap

Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Set to Open April 2

CALIFORNIA— California’s recreational salmon fishery will open on April 2 in ocean waters from Point Arena, south to the U.S./Mexico border, with a minimum size limit of 24 inches.  


Blips on the Radar: Dana Point Harbor Slip Fee Rise

What happened: On June 21, 2021, tenants in Dana Point Harbor received a letter from Bellwether Financial alerting them of a 26 to 96 percent increase in slip fees beginning


Here Is What Boat Owners Have to Say to the Rising Gas Prices

SAN DIEGO—Skyrocketing gas prices across Southern California and much of the U.S. has far-reaching impacts, especially for local businesses operating on the water. From whale watching to boat rental companies,


Oceanside Safety Plan Update

OCEANSIDE- Oceanside Harbor and Beaches Advisory Committee met on March 21 to hear a revised version of the harbor’s proposed safety plan. After two hours, they ultimately voted to send


CARB Cancels Long-Discussed Zero Emission Regulations

CALIFORNIA— On March 24, CARB held a virtual meeting to approve an alternative, amended plan, highlighting the idea that lower engine emissions can be achieved without significant economic harm to