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Catalina Island history

Catalina Island on the Fourth of July

Historical Photo: An Island Fourth of July

CATALINA一 This photo from the Catalina Island Museum archives depicts a fireworks display in Avalon Harbor from 1903. Catalina Island was owned by a man named James Lick in 1864

Catalina Island

Avalon becomes a resort community in 1888

AVALON—In the late 1880s George Shatto, who owned the island at the time, embarked on a campaign to turn Catalina Island into a tourist destination. He began planning and building

Catalina Connection

Catalina Past Times: Coin Diving

AVALON—The Catalina Island Express rolls into Avalon Harbor these days with very little fanfare. No children clad in bathing suits chanting “throw a coin” greet her arrival into port; that